Anti Age-ing is known for ladies but men’s are scientifically proven to be considered more sexually desirable if they display wide features as skin brightening, chin and jawline enlargement.
So the male enhancement packages is designed to restore this.

The average amount needs around 6-9ml but we can customized packages from patient to patient.

Why Should ladies get all the good stuff?

Increasingly more males are discovering exactly how Ladora Clinic treatments can help them feel and look their best.
In a competitive world, men need a boost to both their look and self-confidence levels to keep ahead of the game.

Mostly all of our treatments are suitable and appropriate for gentlemens:

Starting with the body; LPG Lipomassage to delicately remove fat, bulges and to help with weighting loss. Sports recovery LPG muscle procedures like those used by Athletes throughout the world, from Rugby players to Cycling stars, all have benefited from the therapeutic muscle and also recovery procedures. Laser Hair Removal for unsightly body hair such as on the shoulders as well as back (aren’t you fed up with all that waxing and shaving?).

After that the face; for the very best first impressions, LPG Endermolift, to keep the indications of ageing such as wrinkles and jowls at bay. Custom Facial procedures for clear, fresh and vibrant looking skin, and also Laser Hair Removal to get rid of those stray hairs from ears and brows, as well as to get a wonderfully sculpted beard shape every-time.


  • Lipomassage Treatment
  • Endermo-Resculpting Expert Treatment
  • Endermo-Sport Recovery Treatment
  • Endermolift – Facial lifting and slimming
  • Detox Energising Lift Treatment
  • Rejuvenating Eye Lift Treatment
  • Expert Facial Slimming Treatment
  • Cellular Regeneration Lift Treatment
  • Laser Hair Removal